The Monkees

The one stop shop for going bananas!


The Monkees were a band founded in the late 60's for a TV show of the same name, with many hit Number 1's both in the UK and the USA. If you'd like to learn more Click Here.

The band


We're currently touring Down Unda! Click here to learn more.

Band in the 80's?


We've been around the world more than once, and you guys are what makes this happen.
Enjoy this song? Click here to listen to some more of our discography.

We love hearing from our fans from all over the world and love to talk about anything and everything Monkee Related!
Please use the form here to send us your message about a wedding, function or just anything about Monkeeing around
and dont forget - Hide ya bananas, The Monkees are around!

We do recieve a large amount of fan mail through this form, so unfortunately we may not be able to
get back to your message as soon as we'd like to, but please keep in mind we will do as soon as we can!